#18: GIVE THE WORD June 02, 2018 in issue 1: Minced and LoadedPublisher's NoteIssue 18 2: In ConversationJenny Holzer+Lili Holzer-GlierOn Art and Family 3: Arrangements/Inner SelfJonathan ApreaPoem 4: Authentic ArtificeNo LandWords and Pictures 5: A Mobile Notary PublicStela XhikuBearing Witness 6: Weekend FunJustin ChunObservations 7: CivilizationThe Big InterviewA New NYC Newspaper 8: Still At ItJune HoroscopesFuture Foretold Edition 9: Hallway ResidencyJ. Viramontes + K. EckmeierIn Miniature 10: Fleet Week DispatchMark AbramsonPhotos 11: Ask Me For A PoemPeter ChinmanLive from Washington Sq 12: Subscribe ToNewest YorkIt's Free!